deepweb clipart
neon maxima and elriel: have you drifted to this digital realm of mine, bereft of purpose?
your solitude has fated your arrival upon this digital plane. welcome, you no longer have to feel alone with the 2133 now at your disposal. eyes upon, don't wait for fate. find a way to maintain a sense of openness and awe for the world around you, and then a deep breath. welcome to elriel.
neon maxima is dedicated to designing mindsets, loadouts, townships, spacecraft, mutations, biohacks, cybernetics, arms, armor, literature, tutorials, and identity pieces for anyone extremely isolated, defiled or egotistically genius, and having an unyielding desire to utilize one's intelligence and creativity as means to improve thy reality and ultimately be Seen and finally recognized and regarded by the fated Other, be it in fame or in infamy.
our focus on this site particularly is on hyperitemization of the extruded/adorned ego, therefore exuding ones power through image alone. this is visual power, stance, presence. the air around your body. the room when you walk in.
that’s why we chose to design such cryptic yet relatable imagery for our isolated, anti-society, and esoteric witnesses.
we believe in and violently advocate everyone's right to absolute self-expression, and in turn, absolute viewership and recognition, which renders incredible and nearly indescribable layers of true power and influence. this is one third of what consists of elriel.
beware of complacent pseudolucidity and misguiding neagative-oriented self-apparitions.
Do Not Fear the Unknown.
(if something, someone, somewhere makes you anxious or uncomfortable, that is an undeniable signal from something greater than yourself to DO IT/BE IT/SAY IT/GO THERE immediately. to be brave is to act upon something while being absolutely and totally terrified.)
((repetition yields comfort with previously discomforting qualia))
three feet on the gas//eyes upon, always outrun
“Demanding your absolute regard.”
“The public can't handle this echelon of control. "
"Elriel is Real."
Ethereal Garments & Armaments
accessibility of purchased goods
delivery by teleportation available for lucid oneiromancers
To deliver your favorite products, we have partnered with the most reliable transmutation specialists. We are ready to entrust them with your orders and are always on your side if something goes wrong, and something starts screaming.
We will be happy to assist you with eligible returns, the return instructions, and the shipping address. If you need a return or exchange, send us an email so we can discuss a replacement.
need a hand? we have ~39infinium of them on standby.
Our mercenaries are always happy to help. They are always ready to answer any of your questions, assist with choosing, and support you if in digital peril.